A new feature will soon be available to the users of Pinterest where they will be able to ‘pin’ GIFs alongside their photos, something that wasn’t able to happen previously. Once you have uploaded a GIF, you can stop or start it by pressed a small ‘play’ button in the bottom left corner. Before this new feature, if users uploaded a GIF to their pinboard, it would appear as a still image, not a moving image, and they would have to trace the GIF back to its original source which was outside of the Pinterest website.

The new feature was brought to attention by a fashion search engine called Wantering, who sell products from more than 100 different websites. However, the new GIF feature will not be available to all pinners so not all the users will be able to view the GIFs. Usually on social networking sites, new products are introduced to a group of users for testing, which seems to be what is happening here.